Commercial Golf Cart Insurance

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commercial golf cart insurance

 If you are operating a golf cart taxi or Pedi-cab for hire in Scottsdale you definitely need to make sure you have the correct commercial golf cart insurance policy. Also, you need to know the golf cart insurance average cost  In Scottsdale, Arizona it is very popular in Old Town to have a golf cart taxi take you from the bar or nightclub to your car.  Some services will even take you home if you are in a proximity to the bar.  The City of Scottsdale requires all golf cart taxis that operate in Old Town to have a commercial golf cart insurance policy.  Meanwhile, this will help you to know the average cost of golf cart insurance.  Also, finding a golf cart insurance provider that meets the needs of these requirements is important.  

What type of golf cart taxi insurance do I need?

First, you need at least a $250,000 combined single limit commercial golf cart insurance policy.   First, golf cart theft insurance is important for your business.  Depending on the year, make, and model it might be a good idea to also purchase comprehensive and collision insurance on your golf cart taxi.  Scottsdale, AZ has become really strict on golf carts having Arizona golf cart taxi insurance on them.  Also, you will need to have $250,000 underinsured and underinsured motorist coverage on the golf carts.  Scottsdale has a great FAQ on Golf Cart and Pedi Cab requirements here. Also, premier golf carts yuma is a premier operation that utilizes these requirements.  Next, golf cart liability insurance is important to protect your business in the event a customer is injured in an accident and you are found at fault.  For example, guest passenger liability can be covered by your autlo liability coverage.  Also, bodily injury liability can cover the passengers in an accident. 

How much does a Arizona golf cart taxi policy cost?

There are several factors that go into pricing a policy for commercial golf cart insurance. First, the driver’s motor vehicle record will be analyzed to make sure they are a safe driver.  Next, golf cart insurance cost can be expensive if you have little experience in the business.  Usually, no more than two at fault accidents or traffic tickets will be tolerated by the insurance carriers. Another thing insurance companies will look at will be the years of experience you have in this field.  This will play a big part in even getting a commercial golf cart insurance policy.  Next, if you have been in business in the past, they will ask for your previous loss history.  Auto insurance is important for you and your customers in the evnet of golf cart accident.  Also, liability insurance can help keep your business protected from lawsuits.  

Next, a low speed vehicle can be a target for a myriad of accidents.   This will help determine what type of operator and/or manager of the business you are.  Lastly, there have been several large claims that have happened in the past in Old Town.  As a result, commercial insurance carriers only want the best of the best when it comes to the companies they insure.  Your business will be less desirable if you are traveling long distances from the Old Town area.  Also, the City of Scottsdale has other laws that pertain to golf carts and Pedi cabs being on the streets.  Check with Scottsdale to determine if your proposed business model fits their current regulations.

Finally, this a great business and service to the Scottsdale and Old Town entertainment district.  If you purchase the correct commercial golf cart insurance policy, you will have a business that is covered and your customers will be more trusting.

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